Gender Selection
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There’s 2 primordial ways of selecting gender for couples that wish to choose it. The first method consists off choosing the sex through the male gametes or sperm cells, and at IREGA we put at your service these 2 techniques:

Within the method of selection gender through male gametes or sperm, there are two ways:

Gender selection through albumin gradients (Ericsson’s technique).

This is based on the fact that sperm cells Y (boy) swim faster than sperm cells X (girl). Once the semen sample is collected , it is set in the lab with a column of albumin gradients (protein). The sperm cells are separated into Y and X to enhance the probabilities of obtaining the desired gender.

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It is a scientifically, proven preconception method that helps increase the chance of having a baby of the desired gender. MicroSort separates sperm into two groups: those that will become a girl (carriers of the -X chromosome) and those that will become a boy (carriers of the -Y chromosome). Microsort technology is based on the fact the -X chromosome is substantially larger (approximately 2.8%) than the -Y chromosome. The semen sample is processed and then stained with a flourescent dye that temporarily adheres to the sperm DNA. The stained cells are anaalyzed in a flux cytometer where they tavel through a jet which ends in a laser that make sperm cells flourescent. Sperm Carriers with -X (which adhered more dye) will shine brighter than sperm carriers with -Y, (wich adhered, less dye). Using a software that identifies the brightest sperms(carriers of -X) and the last bright ones (carries of -Y), the cytometer is able ti separate them.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

The sex-selection process prior to an IVF implantation involvers seceral eggs. After the eggs are fertilized and become embryosm a single cell is removed from each one of them for genetic testing (PGD). After the fender of each embryo is established, and the unhealthy embruo are recognized, the embryos od the select gender are transferred and implanted into themother uterus. The success rate for embryo gender choice is extremely high, approximately up tp 99.9%. However, PGD is indificated for those patients who are at risk of transmitting genetic diseases to the progeny.In this way, PGD allows to only transfer healthy enbryos.

The success rate for the gender selection is very high, with a 99.9& chance of success. However PGD is for patients that have a high risk of transmitting genetic disorders.


IREGA - Clinica de Reproduccion Asistida en Acapulco

IREGA is home to a team of experts in the care of fertility, willing to make your dream of having a baby come true.

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